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Text Input

A form element that provides users with a way to read, input, or edit data.

A Text Input is a form element that provides users with a way to read, input, or edit data.


When to use

  • As a form element that provides users with a way to read, input, or edit data in a freeform way.

When not to use

  • If needing a multi-line text input, consider Textarea
  • If needing to allow the user to make a selection from a predetermined list of options, consider Checkbox, Radio button, or Select.

Types of text inputs

Text Input accepts all native HTML types, but we offer built in styling for the following:



The TextInput component has a visibility toggle feature for password fields. By default, a button appears allowing users to switch easily between visible and obfuscated input.


Date and time

Date and time fields use the native browser functionality for the popovers. Some browsers do not display an icon or popover.

Required and optional

For complex forms, indicate required fields. This is the most explicit and transparent method and ensures users don’t have to make assumptions. Read more about best practices for marking required fields in forms.

For shorter, simpler forms (e.g., login/signup and feedback requests), indicate optional fields instead.

Readonly, disabled, and hidden fields

Readonly, disabled, and hidden fields are very similar, but there are key differences to be aware of when choosing the correct type of Text Input. Since these fields are not editable by a user, we recommend using them sparingly.

Readonly fields are not editable by the user but the value in the field is passed when the form is submitted.

Disabled fields are not editable by the user and the value in the field is not passed when the form is submitted.

Hidden fields are not visible to the user but the value in the field is passed when the form is submitted.

Field type Visible in UI Editable by user Value passed on submit
Readonly βœ… 🚫 βœ…
Disabled βœ… 🚫 🚫
Hidden 🚫 🚫 βœ…

Character count

For tracking the number of characters entered into a TextInput and defining requirements around minimum and maximum length, refer to the Character count documentation.

Error validation

For error validation recommendations, refer to the Form patterns documentation.


For high-level content recommendations, refer to our Primitives documentation.

How to use this component

Examples have been simplified

We omit the name and ID attributes in the examples since processing of the data is the responsibility of the product teams.

There are two ways to use the Text Input component:

  • Form::TextInput::Base - the base component: just the <input> control.
  • Form::TextInput::Field - the field component: the <input> control, with label, helper text, and error messaging (in a wrapping container).

We recommend using the Field component as it provides built-in accessibility functionality. Use the Base component if needing to achieve custom layouts or for special use cases not covered by the Field component.


The basic invocation requires a Label. This creates:

  • a <label> element with a for attribute automatically associated with the input ID attribute.
  • a <input type="text"> control with an automatically generated ID attribute.
<Hds::Form::TextInput::Field as |F|>
  <F.Label>Cluster name</F.Label>

Input value

Pass a @value argument to pre-populate the input.

<Hds::Form::TextInput::Field @value="my-cluster-1234" as |F|>
  <F.Label>Cluster name</F.Label>


Pass a @type argument to change the type of input.

@type="number" is not supported as it causes accessibility and usability problems. If you are looking for additional validation or to display a numeric keypad on devices with dynamic keypads we recommend using inputmode="numeric" pattern="[0-9]*". For the list of supported types, see Component API.

<Hds::Form::TextInput::Field @type="email" @value="" as |F|>
<br />
<Hds::Form::TextInput::Field @type="date" as |F|>
  <F.Label>Date of birth</F.Label>

Helper text

You can add extra information to the field using helper text. When helper text is added, the component automatically adds an aria-describedby attribute to the input control, associating it with the automatically generated ID of the helper text element.

Copy this ID to your AWS Resource Access Manager to initiate the resource share.
<Hds::Form::TextInput::Field @value="036140285924" as |F|>
  <F.Label>AWS Account ID</F.Label>
  <F.HelperText>Copy this ID to your AWS Resource Access Manager to initiate the resource share.</F.HelperText>

Extra content in label and helper text

If a link is used within a label, helper text, or error text, it will not be presented as a link to the user with a screen reader; only the text content is read out. As such, care should be used when considering this feature. If needing to use a link, include a screen reader-only message that informs the user that some help text includes links, and additional keyboard exploration may be required.

The Label and HelperText contextual components used in the Field component yield their content. This means you can also pass structured content.

This is an experimental feature (read more).
<Hds::Form::TextInput::Field as |F|>
  <F.Label>AWS Account ID <Hds::Badge @size="small" @text="Beta" /></F.Label>
  <F.HelperText>This is an experimental feature (<Hds::Link::Inline @href="#">read more</Hds::Link::Inline>).</F.HelperText>

Required vs. optional

Use the @isRequired and @isOptional arguments to add a visual indication that the field is "required" or "optional".

Copy this ID to your AWS Resource Access Manager to initiate the resource share.

Copy this ID to your AWS Resource Access Manager to initiate the resource share.
<Hds::Form::TextInput::Field @isRequired={{true}} as |F|>
  <F.Label>AWS Account ID</F.Label>
  <F.HelperText>Copy this ID to your AWS Resource Access Manager to initiate the resource share.</F.HelperText>
<br />
<Hds::Form::TextInput::Field @isOptional={{true}} as |F|>
  <F.Label>AWS Account ID</F.Label>
  <F.HelperText>Copy this ID to your AWS Resource Access Manager to initiate the resource share.</F.HelperText>

Character count

If the user input needs to be limited to a certain number of characters, use @maxLength on a CharacterCount contextual component to guide the user in meeting the length requirements. This property does not restrict the users from entering characters over the limit. To define the maximum string length that the user can enter, set maxlength attribute on the associated input field.

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Text Input

A form element that provides users with a way to read, input, or edit data.

A Text Input is a form element that provides users with a way to read, input, or edit data.


When to use

  • As a form element that provides users with a way to read, input, or edit data in a freeform way.

When not to use

  • If needing a multi-line text input, consider Textarea
  • If needing to allow the user to make a selection from a predetermined list of options, consider Checkbox, Radio button, or Select.

Types of text inputs

Text Input accepts all native HTML types, but we offer built in styling for the following:



The TextInput component has a visibility toggle feature for password fields. By default, a button appears allowing users to switch easily between visible and obfuscated input.


Date and time

Date and time fields use the native browser functionality for the popovers. Some browsers do not display an icon or popover.

Required and optional

For complex forms, indicate required fields. This is the most explicit and transparent method and ensures users don’t have to make assumptions. Read more about best practices for marking required fields in forms.

For shorter, simpler forms (e.g., login/signup and feedback requests), indicate optional fields instead.

Readonly, disabled, and hidden fields

Readonly, disabled, and hidden fields are very similar, but there are key differences to be aware of when choosing the correct type of Text Input. Since these fields are not editable by a user, we recommend using them sparingly.

Readonly fields are not editable by the user but the value in the field is passed when the form is submitted.

Disabled fields are not editable by the user and the value in the field is not passed when the form is submitted.

Hidden fields are not visible to the user but the value in the field is passed when the form is submitted.

Field type Visible in UI Editable by user Value passed on submit
Readonly βœ… 🚫 βœ…
Disabled βœ… 🚫 🚫
Hidden 🚫 🚫 βœ…

Character count

For tracking the number of characters entered into a TextInput and defining requirements around minimum and maximum length, refer to the Character count documentation.

Error validation

For error validation recommendations, refer to the Form patterns documentation.


For high-level content recommendations, refer to our Primitives documentation.

How to use this component

Examples have been simplified

We omit the name and ID attributes in the examples since processing of the data is the responsibility of the product teams.

There are two ways to use the Text Input component:

  • Form::TextInput::Base - the base component: just the <input> control.
  • Form::TextInput::Field - the field component: the <input> control, with label, helper text, and error messaging (in a wrapping container).

We recommend using the Field component as it provides built-in accessibility functionality. Use the Base component if needing to achieve custom layouts or for special use cases not covered by the Field component.


The basic invocation requires a Label. This creates:

  • a <label> element with a for attribute automatically associated with the input ID attribute.
  • a <input type="text"> control with an automatically generated ID attribute.
<Hds::Form::TextInput::Field as |F|>
  <F.Label>Cluster name</F.Label>

Input value

Pass a @value argument to pre-populate the input.

<Hds::Form::TextInput::Field @value="my-cluster-1234" as |F|>
  <F.Label>Cluster name</F.Label>


Pass a @type argument to change the type of input.

@type="number" is not supported as it causes accessibility and usability problems. If you are looking for additional validation or to display a numeric keypad on devices with dynamic keypads we recommend using inputmode="numeric" pattern="[0-9]*". For the list of supported types, see Component API.

<Hds::Form::TextInput::Field @type="email" @value="" as |F|>
<br />
<Hds::Form::TextInput::Field @type="date" as |F|>
  <F.Label>Date of birth</F.Label>

Helper text

You can add extra information to the field using helper text. When helper text is added, the component automatically adds an aria-describedby attribute to the input control, associating it with the automatically generated ID of the helper text element.

Copy this ID to your AWS Resource Access Manager to initiate the resource share.
<Hds::Form::TextInput::Field @value="036140285924" as |F|>
  <F.Label>AWS Account ID</F.Label>
  <F.HelperText>Copy this ID to your AWS Resource Access Manager to initiate the resource share.</F.HelperText>

Extra content in label and helper text

If a link is used within a label, helper text, or error text, it will not be presented as a link to the user with a screen reader; only the text content is read out. As such, care should be used when considering this feature. If needing to use a link, include a screen reader-only message that informs the user that some help text includes links, and additional keyboard exploration may be required.

The Label and HelperText contextual components used in the Field component yield their content. This means you can also pass structured content.

This is an experimental feature (read more).
<Hds::Form::TextInput::Field as |F|>
  <F.Label>AWS Account ID <Hds::Badge @size="small" @text="Beta" /></F.Label>
  <F.HelperText>This is an experimental feature (<Hds::Link::Inline @href="#">read more</Hds::Link::Inline>).</F.HelperText>

Required vs. optional

Use the @isRequired and @isOptional arguments to add a visual indication that the field is "required" or "optional".

Copy this ID to your AWS Resource Access Manager to initiate the resource share.

Copy this ID to your AWS Resource Access Manager to initiate the resource share.
<Hds::Form::TextInput::Field @isRequired={{true}} as |F|>
  <F.Label>AWS Account ID</F.Label>
  <F.HelperText>Copy this ID to your AWS Resource Access Manager to initiate the resource share.</F.HelperText>
<br />
<Hds::Form::TextInput::Field @isOptional={{true}} as |F|>
  <F.Label>AWS Account ID</F.Label>
  <F.HelperText>Copy this ID to your AWS Resource Access Manager to initiate the resource share.</F.HelperText>

Character count

If the user input needs to be limited to a certain number of characters, use @maxLength on a CharacterCount contextual component to guide the user in meeting the length requirements. This property does not restrict the users from entering characters over the limit. To define the maximum string length that the user can enter, set maxlength attribute on the associated input field.